Let’s face it, we can all stand to better our health. Whether you’re upping your health and fitness game or dealing with a condition like diabetes (November is American Diabetes Month), these products will help you stay on track and make smart choices.

Wear your fitness goals on your sleeve with the Fitbit Ionic, the company’s first smartwatch. The sleek device tracks your wellness habits (sleep patterns, heart rate, steps, etc.) and offers personalized coaching, so you can meet your goals with a flip of your wrist. Plus: The water-resistant watch lets you stream your favorite motivating music and smart-pay—no wallet needed at the gym or juice bar. $300, fitbit.com

Give your legs a treat with Dr. Motion Therapeutic Compression Socks. Runners, nurses and people who are concerned about healthy blood circulation in their legs or whose job requires they stand a lot may find comfort with these cute supportive socks. (Anyone with foot ulcers should check with their doctor before wearing.) $25 for four pairs, amazon.com

Go low carb with celebrity chef Rocco Dispirito’s new cookbook, Rocco’s Healthy + Delicious: More Than 200 (Mostly) Plant-Based Recipes for Everyday Life. The guest judge on Top Chef and Chopped shares more than 250 healthy recipes that use legumes, vegetables, grains and fruits that score low on the glycemic index, keeping blood sugar stable. $30, bookstores and online

If you’ve got a hankering for a high-tech healthy snack, you’ll love the NutriBullet Balance. This blender connects with an app on your smartphone to calculate real-time nutritional info so you can build the perfect smoothie. The app also has recipes, shopping list assistance, nutrition goal settings and food allergy guides. $180

Love your sauces with no-sugar-added Tessemae’s condiments. From organic barbecue sauce and ketchup to mayonnaise and honey mustard, they deliver tons of flavor. $7 each, tessemaes.com

Stay hydrated in style with SodaStream Aqua Fizz, the company’s new sophisticated sparkling water maker that comes with two fancy glass carafes. $180, sodastreamusa.com
Keep it cool with the Peak Insulated Sling Backpack. Its large insulated interior pocket (with room for an ice pack) keeps medications and healthy snacks chilled while you’re on the go. $39, sugarmedical.com