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Uber Sees Flying Commuters in 10 Years
HIGHLIGHTS Uber envisions a future in which commuters hop onto a small…
Google Unveils Top 10 ‘India YouTube Ads’ Listing
HIGHLIGHTS IFTTT is web automation service works with 'recipes' Google Assistant will…
Where Are Shuffle and Repeat Options in iPhone’s Music App?
HIGHLIGHTS The shuffle and repeat buttons are hidden in iOS 10's Music…
China Overtakes US to Become Top Spender in Apple’s App Store: App Annie
HIGHLIGHTS The Chinese mostly spend on games, report says Pokemon Go was…
Maximize Productivity On the Road with These 5 Travel Apps
Business trips are necessary, but they don’t come without complication. It would…
Facebook Bug Bounty Program Awards Indians the Most for Finding Flaws
HIGHLIGHTS Facebook distributed a total of $611,471 to 149 researchers in H1…