Latest FOOD & DRINK News
Don’t throw away the baasi roti! It can cure diabetes and help in weight loss
1. Health benefits of stale roti Eating stale food is usually considered…
10 creative ways to use bread for your breakfast
1. Quick and easy breakfast recipes with bread! Bread is the most…
8 best foods to eat in the morning to increase your metabolism
1. Ways to boost your metabolism! A healthy breakfast is one that…
Research says pancakes can actually help treat glaucoma
Wondering what pancake has got to do with glaucoma? According to researchers,…
This lovely lychee raita recipe will woo your tastebuds
You must have tried bundi, pineapple, cucumber raita and so on. But,…
3 sweet breakfast recipes that’ll help you kick-start your day with a bang!
There is no doubt that breakfast is and should be the biggest and the…