Congratulations on your ambassador role with Bioré!
I absolutely love being a Bioré ambassador. I get to try all these amazing products and then gush about why I love them, so it’s a dream job for me. Plus, I have been a fan of Bioré since I started using the pore strips with friends back in high school.
Have you always been interested in skincare?
Yes. My mother was raised in the Philippines and has such great skin and she instilled in me from a very early age how important a good skin care regimen is.
Has being in the public eye made you diligent about your skin?
Totally. I became really aware of it when we were shooting Pretty Little Liarsbecause I was in full makeup every single day, so I found it to be really important to keep up with good skincare habits so the makeup doesn’t take a toll on your skin.
What’s your best skincare advice?
Probably to wash your face before you go to sleep, but also in the morning.
What’s your beauty mantra?
I’d say to do what you want, and not do what you think other people will perceive as beautiful. You always look and feel the best when you are your true, most authentic self.
On your days off do you wear makeup?
Absolutely not!
How did you originally get into acting?
It was something that I was always interested in, but didn’t pursue until I was a little older. I love being able to transform into someone else other than myself for a bit.
How do you keep your love-life private?
Oh that’s easy … I just don’t talk about it in interviews!

What’s your go-to date-night look?
Black jeans, a body suit and a jacket is my staple date-night look for sure.
When you hit 3 million subscribers your response was to run through a street in LA naked … what made you do it?
A bet I made with my assistant years and years ago! I’m someone who keeps my word, that’s for sure.