We have already highlighted the 7 reasons to create a corporate blog for your company here on the Agência Pomar blog , its relevance as a digital marketing tool and its main advantages.
(If you haven’t seen it yet, click here to read the article).
Now let’s get to the practical part. By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly what to do to create a blog that generates business.
How to create a blog the right way
Your corporate blog can be one of the main ways of relating to your customer.
Thus, it is necessary to take some care to get the best results from it, attracting traffic, generating conversions and sales within a good Inbound Marketing strategy .
Knowing the correct way to create a blog is an art that is gradually assimilated. But you can start using a blog paying attention to the most common fundamentals and mistakes that companies make.
So let’s get to them!

Know the dos and don’ts of creating a blog.
How to Create a Blog: 8 Essentials
#1 Know your target audience
Surely you already know some demographics of your target audience , such as age, gender and social class, but do you know how to reach them?
Find out everything you can about your audience!
Likes, vision and values, your needs, your fears, etc. All of this information will be essential to define the identity of your audience and enable your content to be attractive to them.
And that brings us to the second foundation…
#2 Be relevant
You will only attract more visitors and subscribers to your content if you provide something your target audience wants to know.
To find the best content for your blog, ask yourself the following questions:
- Is the content I’m offering unique or is it already saturated on the internet?
- Does this content answer frequently asked questions about my company’s product or field?
- Does the content entertain or bring information in any way related to your product?
- Can the target audience identify with the way your text is written and the message it conveys?
Working with evergreen content can be a great strategy for the first few months of the blog.
#3 Work your blog structure well
Knowing what content you’re going to post, you need to ensure that your blog looks intuitive and easy to use, after all, there’s no point in creating content if your site visitor can’t find what they’re looking for.
The existence of a search bar also encourages the reader to continue on the blog, looking for complementary content or reading suggested articles at the end of your articles.
Also, a pleasing appearance for reading is essential, so use neutral background colors, as very bright colors make your eyestrain, and fonts that are visible are not too bright.
#4 Use the searched keywords
Now you know what your audience is looking for, but you may not know what keywords or exact word combinations they are looking for the information you provide.
You can use some tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Google Trends to discover the most searched expressions by your target audience .
Then use them in the title and first paragraph of your text, revealing your objective to the reader and making the content easier to find.
#5 Review texts before posting
In order for your publications and articles to be read, they must be written in a cohesive and coherent way, conveying the message you want to convey in an organized and clear way.
In addition, grammatical, syntax and spelling errors cause the reader to lose attention to the content.
3 ways to do this:
- Proofread your text with proofreading tools;
- Read aloud to find some mistakes that may have gone unnoticed
- Or have someone read it to you.
#6 Offer your content as attractively as possible
Don’t leave the title last: it’s what will grab the reader’s attention at first and convince them to click on your article.
Be direct, don’t try to write too long a text if you don’t have content.
A bad first paragraph can drive away about 80% of readers, but a good paragraph can drive the reader to the end, identify with your text and become a promoter of your content.
#7 Use SEO resources to be found
Always optimize your article.
Use the SEO techniques ( Optimization for Search Tools ) and the tools available from your publishing platform (Word Press, Blogger, Etc) so that your content is easily found by people when they search for information through Google.
To learn more about search optimization, read our article on SEO and Google: how it works and how it appears in results.
#8 Analyze your performance
The best way to know how to create a successful blog is to analyze what works and what doesn’t. That is, you need to review your performance frequently.
Make a monthly schedule to check key KPIs (“Key Performance Indicators”) such as:
- Most accessed articles
- Length of stay on the blog
- Main entry pages of your blog
- Main exit pages, etc.
This can be verified if you install Google Analytics on your blog , a free and powerful website analysis tool that will give an x-ray of everything that happens on your page.
After this review, make periodic improvements to the type of content you are posting, such as:
- Create more articles on the topic that is being most sought after by your readers;
- Optimize the top articles to attract more visitors (if you don’t know what optimization is, read our SEO article );
- Improve the quality of pages that amaze visitors, etc.
5 common mistakes when creating a blog
Despite the numerous advantages of having a corporate blog , its incorrect use can result in a negative image for the company, or convey a wrong idea about its services.
As the saying goes: wise is one who learns from the mistakes of others . So, we’ve selected below some of the most common mistakes for you to know how to create a blog without committing these true “digital gaffes”.
Mistake #1: Using a toll-free address
Using free domains like WordPress, Blogger and other platforms (yourcompany.wordpress.com or yourcompany.blogger.com ) can save some bucks, but it gives potential customers the idea of an amateur website or an unreliable source.
Investing in a domain is essential to add credibility to your content.
So, as my father used to say, “take the scorpion out of your pocket” and invest in a good domain like www.suaempresa.com.br, and install your corporate blog there.
If you prefer, use a subdomain such as blog.suaempresa.com.br. Your brand image thanks you!
Mistake #2: Using the blog only as an advertisement
Nothing more boring than people who only talk about themselves, isn’t it? With companies, the idea is the same: talking only about their products and using the corporate blog as mere advertisement is one of the most common mistakes companies make.
Not bringing relevant content to a potential customer causes them to quickly leave the site and not be interested in returning.
Unlike traditional forms of advertising and advertising, on the internet people choose what they want to see, and when something doesn’t please them, it is easily discarded.
Instead of writing about your product or service, write about your area of expertise, educating your customer on matters that your company has know-how. Your blog will be much more interesting, and it will make a powerful impact on leads.
Mistake #3: Not constantly updating the blog
Investing in a corporate blog and then let it fly is very common and can convey the idea of a lack of commitment to your future customers.
Frequent content makes potential customers and customers return to your site, generating a relationship and increasing the possibility of closing a deal.
You will know how to create a blog when you publish at least 4 articles monthly (1 per week). Posting 8 articles a month (2 per week) is a good number, and what most companies do.
Already with 12 monthly articles (3 times a week), get ready to “bomb” as you will see the number of visits grow exponentially.
Mistake #4: Posting repetitive or irrelevant content
As simple as your product or area of expertise may be, there are certainly several topics to explore in your corporate blog’s content calendar.
Posting the same thing over and over is tiring, but there are still many companies that do just that.
Ask yourself: how to create a blog using the know-how that my company has in its segment? Find out what your audience likes the most and invest in the publication of answers to frequently asked questions, articles that clarify doubts about the company’s area of expertise.
Also check out what your competitors are posting on their blogs and get creative!